It's pouring down and you look out your window and see a river forming in your yard. The grass is gone, there's mud everywhere, and all you see is an eyesore. A dry creek bed is an excellent solution to your run-off issue that will redirect water to a distant area and will also turn that eyesore into a work of art! It's also a quick day project that's easy on your pocket.
- Outline and Prep the Area- The next rainy day, notate where the runoff is going. Allow the area to dry and clear it of any debris. Depending on your preference, you may need to dig the area up a little bit to accommodate for the stones you will be laying down. Make sure to lead your bed towards an area out of the way to allow it to redirect and drain the water elsewhere.
2. The Fabric- We carry a commercial grade fabric called "weedhalt" that we recommend putting underneath before laying the stones. This fabric will allow water to flow while stopping any silt or debris from coming up or settling. So, no weeds! Weedhalt will ensure little to no maintenance for only $0.15 a square foot! You can beat that!
3. Choosing and Laying Stone- When it comes to the stone, most customers choose to mix a couple different sizes. When you buy from us, you have a couple different choices:
- River Rounds and flats- These stones are sold on pallets and priced per ton. Some customers choose these stones because when they are a little more consistent in size. Whether you choose the small, mediums, or large, the price per ton is the same. If delivery is needed, these would come on a flatbed that would require about a 10 foot clearance for us to help move the stones closer to the area needed.
- Mega slicks and Dirty River slicks- These are sold in bulk by the cubic yard. These are most popular because of the price being more affordable. Mega slicks vary between 4"-10" and dirty river slicks vary between 2"-4" allowing a nice, rustic looking bed. If deliver is needed, these would come on a single axle dump truck that would require about a 14 foot clearance to allow us to maneuver to the area.
When laying the stones, we recommend using the larger stones to create a border on the outside of the bed, ensuring the runoff does not over flow. After that, the final part is laying the remainder of the stone inside the bed.
See, all in a days work! Literally!